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  • Celebrating Christmas in your office

    Posted on December 7th, 2017 admin No comments

    Christmas can be a very exciting time for many, and it can also be the dreaded season for others.

    Consider the following tips for celebrating Christmas in style, to ensure that all your staff get the most out of this period.

    Office Christmas party
    Holding a work Christmas party can be risky, particularly if alcohol is provided. People can take advantage of this and can see you and the business liable should something go wrong. For many employees, attending a Christmas party, especially one outside of business hours, can be quite a hassle.

    The safest and easiest option to have a great Christmas party is to hold it in the office. Cater with delicious food, decide whether you want some kind of entertainment such as challenge games with a prize for the winning team, or a performer such as a comedian. If providing alcohol, limit the supply and be sure to provide low-alcohol options and soft drinks as an alternative. And most importantly, let everyone go home early after the party has wound up so they can spend time with their family or prepare for Christmas.

    If you’re giving gifts, put thought into them
    Giving gifts can take up your time; time that you could be spending with your family. So if you’re going to give gifts, put thought into them and make it worthwhile, otherwise there is no point. Perhaps instead of getting something meaningless for all your staff, organise an office Kris Kringle, with a monetary value for the present. To avoid anyone getting a useless gift, they can write three options for gifts within the monetary value they would appreciate, making it easier for everyone to purchase a great present.

    Christmas is one opportunity to bring excitement and fun into the office. Decorating can bring the team together and make the stress of work seem to disappear. Not only do decorations make the working environment more pleasant for employees, but it also makes it exciting for customers.


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